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Professional Services - Request For Information
Thank you for your interest in Aivea's professional services. Please provide the following information about your business needs to help us serve you better. This information will enable us to route your request to the appropriate person. You should receive a response within one business day.

Your information is being gathered on our global and secure systems. Your information will be used in accordance with any applicable data privacy law and Aivea’s Data Privacy Policy, and will be held securely. Aivea will not share your personal information with any third party, except as needed to manage the events or features for which you register.

We have developed an extensive communications and technology infrastructure that facilitates the seamless integration of our on-site and off-site workforces, permitting team members in different locations to access common project information, and providing tight integration with our clients' infrastructure. Please visit Aivea Software Development Process for more information. We deliver “Predictable quality on a predictable date”.
First Name *
Job Title
Email *
State *
Country *
Last Name *
Phone *
Postal Code/Zip
Project Type *
New application Re-engineering/upgrade/porting
Please use the field below to describe your project with as many details as possible. Feel free to include any questions, comments, or suggestions that will help us to better understand your requirments. *
When do you intend to start the project?
Duration of the Project * :
Number of Engineers Required * :
Technical Skills and Experience Required *
Engineering Staff Location Requested * :
Which industry segment most closely describes your organization's business? * :
What is your relationship to Aivea Corporation?
How did you hear about us?
* Required Fields

Thank you! We appreciate your interest in Aivea.

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